Our Team
The PNA is guided by a Board of Directors which conducts its work through an Executive Director and other ministry teams. Our current leadership team is:
Board of Directors – Chairperson: Sharayah Pendergraft
Executive Director – Frank Borst
Credentials Committee – Chairperson: Roger Taton
Office Staff:
Executive Director: Frank Borst
Admin. Assistant: Lindsey Welsh
Credentials Secretary: Cailey Dumler
Credentials Committee:
Roger Taton (Chair), Drew Stinson (Vice Chair), Keith Hossler, Netra Williams, Janet Yarbrough, and Hollis Stewart.
Board of Directors:
Sharayah Pendergraft (Chair), Cary Peden (Vice Chair), Phil Milliman (Secretary), Jacqueline Rae, and Darcy Dickerman.
Prayer Ministry:
Alison Beglin (lead), Dawn Stinson, Linda Fast, Lynn Van Horn, and Karri Heap