Strengthening Leaders for Mission
Leaders have a tremendous responsibility to enable the church to carry out its God-given mission. But, leaders need to be developed and supported. The PNA recognizes the value of leadership and is working to enhance this key dimension of the church, both among career ministers and laity.
Leadership in the church does not happen automatically. It is the result of the Holy Spirit’s gifting and an individual’s active participation within the church community. Leaders require training, mentoring and support. And, it is vital that they are part of accountable relationships.
Explore the leadership resources below to learn how we can assist you or the leaders in your church to minister more effectively as part of the mission to which God has called us.
Leadership Development
Leadership is both a gift and a learned skill.
The PNA offers specific programs and opportunities for current leaders, and ways to discover and support potential leaders for the church’s future.
At present we offer the following leader development opportunities:
PNA Connect – The annual PNA Convention held every October.
Leadership Focus – A guided learning and cluster experience for ministers in the credentialing process.
Global Leadership Summit – In cooperation with one of our churches which are host sites, pastors and other church leaders are able to take advantage of this annual event held every August.
We are also blessed with the proximity to our regional Church of God college: Warner Pacific University, which trains and equips students within a transformative learning process.
Resources for Leaders
CARE – A national Church of God initiative that seeks to address economic issues facing pastoral leaders and to advocate for pastors and church boards in pastor financial planning and compensation.
Connect with others across the district over shared prayer needs via our private Facebook group or Twitter feed.
Churches are strongly encouraged to provide a regular sabbatical for their pastoral staff. Here are resources to assist in that process:
· Article explaining the rationale behind and process for establishing sabbaticals.
· Sample Sabbatical Policy document
· Recommended reading: Clergy Renewal: The Alban Guide to Sabbatical Planning.
· Sabbatical grant funding sources: Lilly Endowment, National Clergy Renewal Program
In addition to the Church of God Retirement Plan available to ministers and church staff, Servant Solutions (formerly Church of God Board of Pensions) has a number of valuable online resources available to pastors and church staff, including financial planning.
Go Preach My Gospel is a downloadable book that summarizes the position of the Church of God affirming women in pastoral ministry.
Below is a list of recommended books and other resources that pastors and other church leaders will find helpful for ministry and personal growth.
A Pastor’s Guide for the Shadow of Depression by Gary H. Lovelace (Wesleyan Publishing House, 2014). Pastors face unique challenges and unrealistic expectations that can lead to feelings of failure, deep sadness, and depression. This book helps pastors identify and address depression in their lives.
BiVO: A Modern-Day Guide for Bi-Vocational Saints by Hugh Halter (Missio, 2014). With bi-vocational pastorates becoming more and more common, this book explores how to combine ministry and outside work.
Building a Discipleship Culture by Mike Breen (3DM, 2017). A proven approach for building followers of Jesus.
Called, Equipped and No Place to Go by Randal Huber (Warner Press, 2000). A discussion on women in pastoral ministry, suitable for group discussion.
Called to Minister, Empowered to Serve edited by MaryAnn Hawkins (Warner Press, 2013). A comprehensive examination of women in ministry leadership.
The Elephant in the Boardroom: Speaking the Unspoken about Pastoral Transitions by Carolyn Weese and J. Russell Crabtree (Jossey-Bass, 2004). An excellent resource for churches working through a pastoral transition, or wanting to develop a strategic succession plan.
Leaders that Last: How Covenant Friendships Can Help Pastors Thrive by Gary Kinnaman and Albert Ells (Baker, 2003). Essential reading for pastors desiring greater effectiveness and health.
Legacy Churches by Stephen Gray and Franklin Dumond (ChurchSmart, 2009). A book of hope for struggling and declining congregations.
NEXT: Pastoral Succession that Works by William Vanderbloemen and Warren Bird (Baker, 2014). Another important book for planning ahead for pastoral succession.
The Permanent Revolution: Apostolic Imagination and Practice for the 21st Century Church by Alan Hirsch and Tim Catchim (Leadership Network, 2012). A powerful book on leadership and the church’s mission today.
The Present Future: Six Tough Questions for the Church by Reggie McNeal (Leadership Network, 2009). Provocative insights and discussion starter for church leaders wanting to navigate trends affecting the church.
Winning on Purpose: How to Organize Congregations to Succeed in their Mission by John Edmund Kaiser (Abingdon, 2006). The recommended guide for churches investigating organizational change. Presents the Accountable Leadership strategy, a proven model increasingly used across the PNA and the Church of God.